
Contact ATA for industry insights and responses to current affairs involving the translation and interpreting professions.

Media Contact

Kelli C. Baxter, ATA执行董事
+1-703-683-6100 ext. 3010  |  kelli@bomabearing.com


成立于1959年, ATA is the largest professional association of translators and interpreters in the world with thousands of language experts in more than 100 countries.

ATA’s mission is to promote the recognition of professional translators and interpreters, 促进会员之间的沟通, 建立能力和道德标准, to provide its members with professional development opportunities, 并代表这个行业进行永利最新网址.


ATA answers the frequently asked questions and provides some key talking points.


Translation and interpreting mistakes can be costly, even disastrous. 聘请合格的笔译和口译人员至关重要. ATA可以帮你找到合适的专业人士.

Video Library

ATA offers a library of videos that highlight its many events, programs, and member benefits. 看他们所有人!


ATA会员Aída Carrazco, 在墨西哥做英语到西班牙语的翻译, 赢得2022年ATA学校永利登录网址竞赛. 查看她演讲的照片和视频.


Listen to mentors describe their experience taking part in ATA’s Mentoring Program. 导师自愿帮助学员,但是, in return, they gain new perspectives and appreciation for their translation and interpreting careers.


不管你说什么语言, specialty, 或者经验水平, you’ll discover ways to enhance your skills and grow your business. ATA64将于2023年10月25日至28日在迈阿密一睹风采.


The ATA 63rd 年度会议 was held in Los Angeles, October 12-15, 2022. 通过活动亮点和与会者体验重温ATA63!


The importance of professional translation and interpreting is often not understood by the general public. 作为正在进行的永利登录网址活动的一部分, ATA provides for-publication content to spread insight to a wide range of readers.


你已经为你的企业或组织建立了一个网站. 祝贺你! 接下来呢?? 如果你想为你的网站获得更广泛的受众, 考虑把它翻译成另一种语言. Did you know that translating your website into another language can help you attract even more website visitors from all over the globe?…

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How to Recognize and Implement Quality Interpreting (Hint: It Doesn’t Involve Your Bilingual Staff)

有一套合适的质量标准, it is possible to make healthcare accessible to limited English proficiency individuals without delaying patient care or interrupting your workflow. 在美国,每10个工作年龄的成年人中就有1个失业.S. 英语水平有限(LEP). Let alone the personal employment and economic implications of this reality,…

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机器翻译vs. Human Translation: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace the World’s Second Oldest Profession?

Translators pride themselves on being excellent communicators, and so they should. 毕竟,这是他们的工作! 但有时, even the best communicators can talk until they’re blue in the face and still have not really communicated what needs to be said for lack of common ground with their audience. 这正是发生在…

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Have you ever sensed that you offended someone in a work setting without understanding why? Or have you ever worked with someone from another culture and found their behavior confusing, or even rude? When different cultures are involved, these types of misunderstandings are common. And in today’s globalized business landscape, you’re likely to frequently interact…

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7 Tips for Crushing an International Meeting Remotely, According to an Interpreter

As millions around the globe have moved their classes and even social gatherings online, international business and meetings between speakers of different languages look a lot different. 在大流行前的世界, along with thousands of other professional language interpreters across the globe, I facilitated in-person multilingual interactions with regularity. 现在,经过一些调整,永利登录网址

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在2022年北京冬奥会之前, Chinese authorities conducted a city-wide correction campaign to fix embarrassing translation gaffes. The mistranslations included signs labeling people with disabilities as “deformed” and wet-floor warnings advising to “slip carefully!” While the press had a field day with the story, many translators were left shaking their heads. Why?…

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Top Six Reasons You Should Caption Your Social Media Video Content

No matter what industry you’re in, video content is likely part of your marketing strategy. 如果不是,也应该是. 根据思科的一份报告, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2022. And 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service…

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How to Avoid Misinformation: Cross-Border Strategies PR Pros Should be Thinking About

At a time when misinformation and fake news are running rampant, communication, 更具体地说,是书面文字, 可以说比以往任何时候都更重要. The last thing public relations (PR) pros want to do is jeopardize brand image by miscommunicating to a critical audience. The fact that PR budgets are down and advertising dollars are…

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25 Million Americans Don’t Speak English: Translators and Interpreters Essential in Pandemic

在写这篇文章的时候, 数百万美国人被命令呆在家里, instructions that are hard enough to grasp if you speak English—even harder still for the eight percent of Americans considered limited English proficient (LEP). As new updates and guidelines are issued by the day—in English-only communication, for the most…

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The U.S. 是世界上最大的消费市场吗, but did you know that 96% of the world’s consumers reside beyond the country’s borders (according to the U.S. 小企业管理局)? Nonetheless, content marketers have largely focused on English-speaking markets because of their high internet penetration and enormous spending rates. 翻译和改编内容…

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Contact ATA for industry insights and responses to current affairs involving the translation and interpreting professions.

Media Contact

Kelli C. Baxter, ATA执行董事
+1-703-683-6100 ext. 3010  |  kelli@bomabearing.com